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In Between

Jan Geijtenbeek | Thomas Pol | Niek de Bruijn

In Between

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917356526
Catnr: CR 73565
Release date: 15 September 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73565
Release date
15 September 2023

"The trio sounds in the best tradition of Bill Evans with pleasant, melodic jazz. A close-knit trio with sensitive interaction and intense performing pleasure. 'In Between' is more than a snack, rather the confirmation of Jan Geijtenbeek's breakthrough."

Jazzhalo, 05-1-2024

About the album

In 2019, my wife Anne Metje and I spent an extended period in Cambridge (MA, USA). The exact address was 141 Oxford Street, at a place called Common Place, near Porter Square. Anne Metje, my wife, was doing research at Harvard, while I was practicing, composing, and performing a tiny little bit – but mostly I was enjoying my time off performing and teaching in the Netherlands. We loved our time there, eating a bagel breakfast at Farouk’s place called ‘Café Rustica’ almost every morning, reading books, going out to dinner, eating oysters, drinking great wines, hosting friends – it was just perfect. Yet, what we enjoyed most was meeting all the lovely people there. The music on this record reflects what we’ve experienced there. That ranges from a bike ride on a sunny day in Cambridge, the beautiful view over Boston while walking across the Longfellow Bridge on a lush summer evening, many loud and bumpy rides on the Red Line to Boston, to hearing the heartbreaking news from Dayton, Ohio. And of course, there is an homage to our home at 141 Oxford Street.
Im Jahr 2019 verbrachten meine Frau Anne Metje und ich einen längeren Zeitraum in Cambridge (MA, USA). Die genaue Adresse war 141 Oxford Street, an einem Ort namens Common Place, in der Nähe des Porter Square. Anne Metje, meine Frau, forschte in Harvard, während ich übte, komponierte und ein winziges bisschen auftrat - vor allem aber genoss ich meine Auszeit, in der ich in den Niederlanden auftrat und lehrte. Wir liebten unsere Zeit dort, aßen fast jeden Morgen ein Bagel-Frühstück in Farouks 'Café Rustica', lasen Bücher, gingen essen, aßen Austern, tranken großartige Weine, empfingen Freunde - es war einfach perfekt. Aber am meisten haben wir es genossen, all die netten Leute dort zu treffen. Die Musik auf dieser Platte spiegelt wider, was wir dort erlebt haben. Das reicht von einer Fahrradtour an einem sonnigen Tag in Cambridge, dem wunderschönen Blick über Boston, während wir an einem lauen Sommerabend über die Longfellow Bridge spazierten, über viele laute und holprige Fahrten mit der Red Line nach Boston bis hin zu den herzzerreißenden Nachrichten aus Dayton, Ohio. Und natürlich gibt es auch eine Hommage an unser Haus in der Oxford Street 141.


Thomas Pol (double bass)



The trio sounds in the best tradition of Bill Evans with pleasant, melodic jazz. A close-knit trio with sensitive interaction and intense performing pleasure. 'In Between' is more than a snack, rather the confirmation of Jan Geijtenbeek's breakthrough.
Jazzhalo, 05-1-2024

... The pianist's playing thus remains largely pictorial and evokes associations in the listener that are aimed more at the soul than the head. ...
Pianonews, 01-1-2024

Geijtenbeek wrote another full album. He is an emphatical pianist. His touch is quite direct and bassist Thomas Pol is his perfect counterpart. His playing is quite 'in focus'. That might happen because bassist Udo Pannekeet was at the controls. But don't forget drummer Niek de Bruijn. He is the indispensable link in this mature piano trio of which all members are around 35 years old.
Jazzflits, 18-12-2023

Musically, this album full of chamber jazz is a nice combination of classical and jazzy approach, and at a high level. Without the blues and the misery that was always hidden somewhere in the real stuff.
Jazz & Mo', 01-12-2023

...a little more variety would have clearly made the album more interesting. “Red Line”, for example, has tempo and exciting drumming, an excellent musical representation of the metro line.
Rootstime, 01-11-2023

Jan Geijtenbeek has a fine touché with which he accurately chooses his notes. A way of playing that easily matches the work of Keith Jarrett. The trio excels in coherent interplay, with room for musical escapades, in which they give each other space, complement, color and support. As a result, the arrangements slide together like a tight puzzle, which makes In Between a feast for your ears.
Music Frames, 04-9-2023

... Every track lets you share in this positive phase, which is also expressed by titles like "Happy Song" or "A Sunny Day In Cam-bridge"...
Jazzthing, 23-8-2023

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